We a proud to present you our organization

Our Mission

To “awaken” Nevadans to what substance abuse and overdoses are doing to our communities.  Giving correct information about how to best support our community members who suffer with substance abuse. Those who are faced with an unknown killer in their substance, and the family who love these important people.

Our Vision

A future where everyone has access to Opioid Overdose Prevention.

Our Team

Meet the passionate individuals driving our mission forward. Get to know the dedicated team members who are tirelessly working to combat the opioid overdose epidemic and bring hope to communities across Nevada.

Darcy Patterson
Founder / President

Darcy Patterson, a registered nurse at Gentiva Hospice and St. Mary's Regional Medical Center, is the driving force behind WakeUp Nevada's founding. As a devoted mother who tragically lost her daughter to an overdose, Darcy channels her grief into action, leading the charge in raising awareness and providing life-saving resources to combat the opioid epidemic in Nevada.

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Role at Org

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Kathie Carstairs

Kathie Carstairs, a devoted advocate and former addict, brings invaluable insight and unwavering commitment to WakeUp Nevada's mission. With over 25 years of experience in the medical field and a personal journey overcoming addiction, Kathie is dedicated to preventing opioid overdoses and offering hope to those affected by substance abuse.